There is no magic solution or pill to completely take care of anxiety in moms, but there are effective ways to calm anxiety right away.  Having a list of techniques to calm anxiety ready takes the guesswork out and helps you in your moment of need. Otherwise, it’s far too easy to be consumed by the overwhelming feelings of anxiety and forget how to handle it all. Let’s say you find yourself in a situation that triggers a panic attack, what do you do when the anxiety hits? Some anxiety and panic attacks are impossible to avoid and are out of your control. Some anxiety is chemical and that is out of your control as well. This post will help you map out a good plan to use when anxiety hits.

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1. Find What You Can Control to Calm Anxiety

Disaster can hit if we expect to control things we can’t actually control. You can really only control yourself when it comes to anxiety and calming down, you may not be able to control the things or people around you. If you focus your thoughts and energy on controlling yourself and your thoughts, words, and actions, your anxiety will start to calm down right away. 

2. Reign In Your Reactions 

When anxiety is high our reactions can become out of control. We have the ability to control our own reactions, but that can be extra tricky when anxiety is high. Consciously reign in your reactions during a panic attack, really focus on holding back your reactions until you have had time to process and calm down. Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend wrote one of my all-time favorite books, Boundaries. In this book, they explain that reactions are a form of being controlled by someone else while responding keeps the control in your hands. Remaining in control of yourself will ease anxiety in moms and help you calm down right away during an anxiety attack.

3. Identify The Problem 

You may be able to identify what is causing you anxiety, and that might help calm anxiety. Once you identify the problem, you can either fix that problem or accept it and move forward if the problem is out of your control. Here is a list of anxiety triggers to think through when trying to identify the problem.

  • Medications
  • Health Problems
  • Caffeine
  • Financial Concerns
  • Skipping Meals
  • Social Anxiety
  • Conflict
  • Stress
  • Weather
  • Poor Sleep 
  • Chemical Imbalance
  • Drugs or Alcohol

There are many things that can cause anxiety in moms, and sometimes it’s impossible to identify exactly what is triggering your anxiety. The process of thinking through what is causing your anxiety will help calm your anxiety right away.

4. Mental & Physical De-Clutter to Calm Anxiety

De-cluttering your living space and your mom brain are both great ways to calm anxiety right away. I am a complete psycho about having my kitchen island clean and clear at night so I can wake up to a clean kitchen area. I swear it makes my day better to have my living space de-cluttered! If you need some cleaning ideas, check out my post about 11 things moms might need to clean. De-cluttering your mind is just as important when trying to calm anxiety. Use lists, schedules, and routines to de-clutter your brain and organize your life. This will help calm anxiety right away and help your life run a little smoother. This book of 52 Lists for Calm is a great tool to help you de-clutter your brain space as a mom.

5. Move Your Body

We all need to be moving our bodies and getting our heart rates up for at least 30 minutes each day for our physical AND mental health. This post takes about the mental health benefits of exercise including the release of endorphins, receiving of stress and tension, and the calming rhythm of walking or running. As moms, it can be hard to find time to do a workout every day. I use Beachbody online workout videos most morning, even if I have kids hanging on me while I workout. If your kids just won’t let you do a workout one day, try storytime yoga videos on YouTube for a workout to do with your kids. Even a short walk down the road with your kids will help calm your anxiety right away.

6. Check Your Diet

Checking your diet is a good way to calm anxiety right away. Our bodies each process foods differently, so you may be more intolerant to some food groups than others are. Eating or drinking things your body doesn’t like can cause anxiety in moms. There are many home testing kits out there to check for your personal food sensitivities, but I have not tried any of those tests yet. My husband and I did the Whole30 program and discovered some food sensitivities we didn’t know about before. Avoid things like caffeine, super processed sugary foods, preservatives, and fried foods. Add more water, fruits, veggies, healthy fats, and lean meats to your diet and you can calm anxiety right away. 

If you are having an anxiety attack, take some time to drink water and have a healthy snack. Focus on what you are eating and drinking and try to give your body a good amount of nutritious stuff. Shop in the outer sections of the grocery store (meat, produce, dairy) and avoid some of the fake food aisles (processed, salty, sugary foods). Cook and serve real food and you will calm your anxiety right away.

7. Do Something With Your Hands

If you are trying to calm your anxiety right away, do something with your hands and give your brain a break. This will take the focus off of your thoughts and anxiety and help calm anxiety right away. Some ideas for things to do with your hands are crocheting, journaling, baking, organizing, and many others. Find a brainless activity and work on it while you calm down mentally. Bonus if your brainless activity also helps you de-clutter your living space!

8. Find Your Happy People

If anxiety is overwhelming you, surround yourself with the people who make you feel good about yourself. For me, my happy person is always my husband, but I also have my parents, in-laws, and other family and friends who make me feel calm and positive. Perhaps your happy people are online in a Facebook support group or a small group Bible Study. Make a list of your happy people and keep it somewhere you’ll remember. When anxiety hits, check your list of happy people and make plans to be around them to help calm anxiety right away.

9. Check Your “What If” Worries

This is something I struggle with constantly, the “what if” thoughts that cause anxiety in moms. Sometimes this comes in the form of racing thoughts or quick dramatic visual flashes. Sometimes it’s a legitimate and relevant concern. What if? What if I fail? What if I hurt someone? What if I get hurt? This can also be categorized as “worry”. All moms worry, right? Yes, we all worry. But there are some healthy ways to work through your “what if” worries to calm anxiety right away. Think about how you are actually feeling, and what you are thinking and doing. Write down or record your thoughts to have a sense of control over your anxiety. Take productive action to fix real problems that exist, not “what if” problems you are creating. These steps will help you calm your anxiety effectively.

10. Add Some Comfort & Positive to Calm Anxiety

In a world full of chaos, it is really important to actively add some comfort and positivity to your life and you will be able to calm anxiety right away. One of my favorite ways to add comfort when I have anxiety is with this weighted blanket. I also find it really helpful to massage muscle knots and tension with this miracle worker, the Thumper Massager. Find some positive news on the internet or watch a helpful documentary. Actively seek out comfort and positivity and you will effectively calm anxiety right away.

What are your favorite ways to calm your anxiety right away?

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