Summer 2020 is going to be a unique summer thanks to the recent world events, so we moms need to take extra steps for summer self-care. The last few months have been hard and weird and this transition into summer is unlike any other. Most of our kids have already been home with us way more than usual. The world is still uncertain, anxiety is high, and summer is here! How do we enjoy this summer after what we have all just been through? How do we celebrate summer vacation when some stores, restaurants, churches, and more aren’t even opened yet? How do we survive and thrive over these next few months? I’ll tell you how….self-care.

What is self-care? Self-care is described as “the practice of taking action to preserve one’s own health”. Ok, so, do moms need self-care? YES! Is self-care easy for moms? NO! We moms have a million things running through our beautiful mom brains all the time. It is so difficult to make time for self-care and it’s hard to know where to start. This post will cover summer self-care for moms in 5 different categories. Self-care is so different for each and every mom, so work to find what works for you in your current season of life.

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For Your Body

Food & Water

An important part of summer self-care for moms is proper nutrition. Our days are so full and busy that it can be easy to fall into unhealthy nutrition habits. Think of summer as a season to focus on putting healthy and happy things into your body. Also, drink ALL of the water, momma. Drinking water will help digestion, dehydration, sleep, concentration, strength, and other things moms need. 


Getting enough sleep can be almost impossible for moms, so we need to make it happen the best we can. Be aware of your bedtime and the time you wake up. If something is forcing you to wake up early in the morning, try to get to bed as soon as you can the night before. Avoid sugar and caffeine too late in the day and turn screens off at least 30 minutes before going to bed. Use some lavender lotion or take a night shower for even deeper relaxation.


Getting exercise isn’t just important for achieving a “summer bod”. Exercise and movement will make you look better and FEEL better! Add exercise to your daily schedule and work out for at least 30 minutes a day. This summer, pick an activity that excites you instead of something you dread. Go kayaking or hiking, find an online barre workout video, walk the neighborhood with your mom friends, find a way to move that you enjoy, and feel great all summer long.

Appreciate Your Body

Do you ever find yourself not allowing yourself to enjoy something because your body doesn’t look the way you want it to? Well, stop. That is a big no-no! Allow yourself some summer self-care by appreciating the body you have right now. Use your amazing body to participate in activities you enjoy, wear clothes you feel good in, and enjoy your summer! Put good food in your wonderful body and hydrate that body. Appreciate your body this summer.

Go Outside

One of the best things you can do for your summer self-care this season is to go outside! There are so many benefits to being outside. Fresh air is cleansing and healthy and rejuvenating. An outside activity can get your heart rate up for a healthy amount of time and movement will work your muscles and lubricate your joints. Sunshine provides us with vitamin D, just be sure to remember your sunscreen. Set a timer for 10 minutes each day and simply sit outside for those 10 glorious minutes. Take your kids on a walk, grill healthy foods, go on a hike or picnic, do stuff outside this summer.

For Your Mind

Projects & Goals

Do you have projects you want to complete this summer? We just moved into a new house in Illinois in March, so I have all of the projects to complete. Reupholstering chairs with one of my new mom friends, painting my 3-year-old daughter’s room “princess colors”, and creating an adult’s only hangout space in the basement for my husband and me are at the top of my list. Maybe you have a long list of events to host once social distancing is over. Perhaps you have work to catch up on or kid’s projects (like potty training) to complete. Whatever is important to you is important in general. Make time to complete the things you want to complete this summer. Your goals and passions are important, momma.


Now that you know your projects and goals for this summer, it’s time to schedule your time and prioritize your passions. We are moms and we are in charge of so very much each and every day. Kids, work, pets, cleaning, food, the list is never-ending and sometimes overwhelming. So how do we get everything done?! Schedule. Schedule your months, weeks, and days. Coordinate with your tribe so everyone’s schedules work together, but be sure to schedule your own projects too. Create a weekly schedule for your family and post the schedule for everyone to see and remember. Schedule your own days to make sure there is time for all of the important things. Scheduling your time truly helps get everything done and takes the guess-work out of what you should be doing at any given moment. 

Make Lists

Sometimes your to-do list will seem like a jumbled mess deep inside your mom brain. When this happens it’s time to start making lists. Having your to-do list written out on paper or typed into a phone or computer will help your overworked brain focus on tasks, not “what should I be doing next?” Some moms prefer a pen a paper, some love a heavy-duty paper planner, and some moms love having it all on their phone or computer. Find a list-making system that works for you. This can be a combination of lists as well. I write my daily to-do list on a piece of paper with color pens, but I use my kitchen Amazon Echo Show to keep an ongoing grocery list. Find what works for you and conquer your days with lists!

Clean & Organize

Most of us have been stuck at home for the last few months, so the house might be in shambles. Schedule some time this summer to clean and organize the areas of your house that need it most. Be sure to keep your list realistic by starting with the 4 areas of the house that need to be deep cleaned and/or organized the most. Once you have completed those 4 areas, make a new list of 4 more areas to clean. You will notice a difference in your home and mood almost immediately. 

Read Anything

Being a mom means being busy, but it doesn’t mean you are too busy to read! Reading is a wonderful way to show your mind some summer self-care. Don’t skip this part if you don’t like reading books, though. Reading can be done in so many ways! Obviously, making time to read books is wonderful if you enjoy that sort of thing. If you don’t love reading books, schedule some time to read a magazine or blog post every once in a while. Another creative option is to make time for listening to podcasts or “books on tape” (how old does that make me sound?! I mean books on Audible, etc.).  Feed that mom brain some summer self-care by reading.

Bible Reading Plans for Moms

Bible Reading Plans for Moms

In 2011 I traveled to Kauai, Hawaii, for a two-week vacation with my mom and Grandma and Grandpa Schmidt. I had just finished vocational nursing school and my grandpa had some epic connections with property owners in Hawaii when he was alive. I will forever be...

Justified By His Grace: Romans 3

Justified By His Grace: Romans 3

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Justification By His Grace: Romans 3:23-24 One of the key passages that was involved in the Reformation was Romans 3:23-24. St. Paul writes, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and are...

Hi, I’m Righteous

Hi, I’m Righteous

Read through Romans Chapter 1 before reading this post for further understanding.   It sometimes seems like two questions constantly swirl around inside my head and heart, causing random streaks of panic to spread through my chest. Am I good enough? And I doing...